
Digital Storytelling on Mastercard’s Morning Brew

I recently had the opportunity to spend the morning with Mastercard as a contributor to their first Global Inclusion Summit. The conversation included perspective from leadership around the world celebrating the Mastercard commitment to being diverse and inclusive in a world beyond cash.

Mastercard featured the Inclusion Summit on an episode of Morning Brew, their social-friendly tool for keeping the Mastercard community engaged and up to date on latest news and developments from around the world.  I was impressed with the program and traded notes with Morning Brew Producer Nicole Ward, who shared with me that the Morning Brew objective is to keep employees in the loop about all the cool things they’re doing, as well as to connect with consumers, merchants, governments and other stakeholders.  “We’re trying to reach them where they are – on social media.”

Meet people where they are

“Morning Brew is a breakthrough approach by our company to go beyond traditional storytelling,” said Jennifer Stalzer from Mastercard Corporate Communications. “Social media has given us the opportunity to tell our story directly to our community versus solely relying on traditional media.  We’ve given corporate news-telling a makeover, sharing the MasterCard story in a consistent and engaging way through a canvas media approach well-fit for today’s digital age.”

The Morning Brew weekly broadcast runs on the Cashless Conversations Blog, where Mastercard shares trending news and perspectives, such as this this post/video from Chief Diversity Officer Donna Johnson about the MasterCard partnership with Lean In, which encourages employees to be more risk-tolerant and to reach beyond their perceived boundaries so they can leverage all of their skills.

Mastercard is a technology company focused on innovation and that idea clearly extends to how they connect, communicate and continue to shape and share their corporate culture.  Content matters and this is a company committed to consistently pushing new ideas to their community.  When you have a story worth telling it works!


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