Sales Performance

The Intersection of Preparation and Opportunity

I believe in Passion at Work.  There are many things an organization and its leadership can do to make culture a competitive advantage.

I believe it because I have experienced it firsthand. I will talk about it tomorrow.  And I will support my premise with very specific examples and action planning to help accelerate the desired outcome objective.  There will be a To-Do list.

I also know that passion and reality don’t always intersect.  And it’s probable that most people don’t get to live their passion everyday.

People who work on their passion and actually turn it into work are typically people who make big sacrifices, put in the time, take some risks and are willing to endure hardship in pursuit of something they genuinely love.  They would often do it anyway…whatever “it” is.

The professional pursuit of one’s passion typically involves extraordinary commitment over a long period of time.  When that pursuit evolves into real preparation is when opportunity presents itself.  There will be hints, clues, signs and genuine moments of discovery along the way.   Those moments will tell you to keep trying.  They will give you strength.  They will be little silent victories on the journey.

Those are the special moments you get when you give.

When you spot success it typically isn’t luck.  There is usually a story about huge effort evolving into preparation that eventually intersected with an opportunity.

What’s your story?

Screenshot of e-newsletter titled 'Prepare for Impact' with sample content 'The Power of Micromarketing'

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