
Make Your Move

Lesson #22

I walked into my neighborhood coffee shop this morning.  Peter asked me how business was going.  It offered me the opportunity to chat him up about his work as well.  Ironically, we both arrived at the same conclusion.

This is going to be The Best Year Ever.

This conversation wasn’t isolated for me.  I have heard these sentiments a number of times over the last few weeks..  People I know planning to lean into the myriad of challenges and changes to architect their best year ever.

Blind optimism?  Ignorance to all that ails us?

Hardly.  However, there is a common thread.


The coffee shop has gone through expansion, upgrades and evolution during the great recession.  Making moves to make it happen.  Stuck in the status quo is a dead end.  Fourteen years on the block and this is going to be another breakthrough year.

The truth is we all need to go through expansion, upgrades and evolution to avoid getting stuck in the status quo.

Today I spend a lot more time time doing the work and less time thinking about it.  That does require a plan.  The plan needs updates.  In fact, this week is update week for us.  Tax day.  Tomorrow is a the quarterly coaching call. Thursday is devoted to curriculum design and some production work with the Capture crew.  Friday we’ll do some planning.  That’s enough thinking for me.  Next week I will look forward to getting back out there.

The other truth is that doing the work is more fun.  I can remember exactly when work stopped being fun. It took me two years to do something about it.  Two years of opportunity wasted.  Worrying.  Wishing. Wanting.  Waiting.  That perfect moment doesn’t ever arrive.  You create it. Funny how action simply mitigates most of that.  The massive mind shift in focus and concentration on the work instead of the worry is a whole lot more fun. {TIP: If you need a Fun Pass take a little inspiration from Cain’s Arcade}.

Performance guru Tony Robbins talks about the habit of courage this way: “Taking action, even though you’re afraid, is how you become courageous—because courage, like fear, is a habit. The more you do it, the more you do it, and this habit—of stepping up, of taking action—more than anything else, will move you in a different direction.”

Forbes outlines Five Reasons People Stay Stuck in Their Careers and offers some useful ideas to help you find the satisfaction and success you deserve.

The best way to get un-Stuck?

Take action now.  Make the decision to make this your best year ever. Then make your move.
Here is a little inspiration to help you #make it count.

Screenshot of e-newsletter titled 'Prepare for Impact' with sample content 'The Power of Micromarketing'

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