Sales Performance

Commitment Phobia & The Sale

Fear of commitment is a problem.  Especially if you are a sales professional.

Too many salespeople present to share information without a focus on securing the next commitment.

Every touch point in the sales cycle presents a commitment opportunity.  And Rock Star Sellers understand ‘The Law of Incremental Commitment’…that simply states a typical sales cycle involves a series of small commitments that eventually lead to the big YES!

Your job is to secure them at every opportunity.  So at the end of every call a logical assessment would include the following:

-What is the commitment?
-What are the defined next steps?
-Have you confirmed the next steps with mutually agreed upon deadlines as follow up in writing?

That is quality post call process and informs a definitive approach to every sales call.  You are there first to understand, then be understood and conclude with commitment.

Prospects that are “going to think about it” usually don’t.  Prospects that “will get back in touch soon” usually don’t.  Prospects that don’t have any sense of urgency aren’t committed and aren’t likely to buy.

The very best sellers evaluate their pipeline and progress based on the incremental commitments necessary to advance in the sales cycle.   They obsess over commitment at every touch point and on every call.

If you want to accelerate past plan, present to win and earn the next logical commitment.

Screenshot of e-newsletter titled 'Prepare for Impact' with sample content 'The Power of Micromarketing'

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